Celebrate National Caesar Day with a Mott’s Clamato Caesar!
If you’re a Caesar-lover then you’ve probably already marked May 20th on the calendar to celebrate National Caesar Day! That’s right, every Thursday before the May long weekend we celebrate Canada’s National Cocktail (Parliament made it official and everything.) Now in its sixth year, this holiday has become a favourite to Canadians everywhere as the unofficial kick-off to summer! Or as I like to call it, the Caesar Season! Who knew that when Walter Chell famously invented the drink in Calgary in 1969 that it would conquer the world. (What is it about Caesars and world domination?)
Well, I say the world, but good luck ordering one south of the border where you’ll either get a Caesar salad or a Bloody Mary instead. Pleasant though both are, they’re no comparison to the Caesar, which gets its unmistakable taste from Mott’s Clamato. You can’t make a Caesar without it! I’ve seen people try and fail. One sweet American bartender googled Clamato and tried his best to recreate it for me. As a good Canadian I smiled and thanked him - but it was awful. So on my next trip down south, I brought him a few bottles of Mott’s Clamato. Once he experienced the salty-spicy-savoury zing that only Mott’s and all it’s different flavours can offer - he understood. And now he’s an honourary Canadian!
Canadians consumed more than 400 million Caesars with Mott’s Clamato last year! That’s an astounding number! So move over Mimosas, Caesars are now the choice of brunch bevvies for Canadians. And the best choice for the deck, or dock, or backyard, or BBQ, or just because it’s Tuesday, or 2pm. Anytime is a good time for a Caesar in my opinion!
And if for any reason, you’re nervous about making your own - just follow this easy 1-2-3-4-5 step method that Mott’s shared to help us and it will turn out perfectly for you every time.
1 oz. vodka
2 dashes of hot sauce
3 grinds of salt and pepper
4 dashes of Worcestershire sauce
5 oz. Mott's Clamato or Mott’s Clamato Reserve (a new premium-ingredients-only version of the classic made with fire-roasted jalapeños)
Personally I love adding horseradish and extra Worcestershire! I used to add pickle brine, and then Mott’s launched their Pickled Bean and my life was changed for the better! They also have the Spicy options which are fabulous. Experiment and have fun with your Caesars. Don’t forget the ice and top with your favourite garnishes. Charcuterie boards can be a great inspiration for your garnishes: think veggies, pickles, meats, and cheese! Or go wild and add an entire Peking Duck as a Toronto bartender once did - or an entire octopus as a Quebec bartender did. And don’t forget to support your local bars as they helped make the Caesar what it is today: the best Canadian cocktail ever.